Top 3 Painful Moments

Okay, in all honesty, I’m one of those insanely paranoid guy. I live my life so cautiously, and I make sure that I avoid pain at all costs. Then again, as human as we all are, accidents happen. And hell, I can only do so much to avoid getting sick. So to rate the top 3 painful moments in my life from 1-10, 10 being the highest, here they are.


1) The Sickness I Forgot

I forgot most of it already. I was only a young kid back then, but I remember it was the worst sickness I ever experienced, and I’ve gone through dengue. All I can remember was that the headache was insanely bad that I couldn’t do anything but lie down. If that wasn’t enough, I would puke almost everything I’ve eaten almost immediately, and I’d even have chronic nosebleeds. Put them together, I even puked out blood one time in the hallway of Cardinal Santos. Glad that was over.

Rating: 7


2) Sprained my ankle

I was recklessly jumping around the house when I accidentally tripped on a sack of rice (don’t ask). I can’t really remember much about it, but then again, I was only like… 7 years old then. I can barely remember things that happened a year ago.

Rating: 3


3) Losing my Gameboy in School

When I was Prep, I brought my Gameboy to school and lost it. Never question why I’m so paranoid anymore.

Rating: 5

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All About Food

Why do they think that those foods are weird? 

I guess it has to be because these food are “out of the ordinary.” They aren’t the things media has shown that we normally eat. They are not just like most meats, and would even be considered disgusting by most cultures. They might have an iffy factor about them as well, like having poison such as the puffer fish or being made out of saliva for the birds nest.

What is food?

Food is anything that’s edible. That’s pretty much my criteria.

What is considered as a normal food and what is not?

Normal food would be something that I’m customed to eating. Anything I don’t normally eat, I’d consider abnormal.

What would be your 5 weirdest food?

1) Lemon peel pasta

2) Scorpion/Spiders

3) Kare-kare

4) Monkey brain

5) Civet coffee

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Trust The Lord

This is a reflection on the readings from the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Times

The readings struck me as they truly show the divine powers that the Lord holds. I’m especially struck by the Gospel reading where Jesus healed the deaf and mute, in the middle of the crowd. The scenario sounds quite a bit frightening, as I imagine it to be quite a busy street and I with all the huffs and puffs going around, suddenly someone gets pulled out of the crowd and healed. I guess it just tells me that from the busy day of life, Jesus is there to call on to me and I should just trust His words that it may be just the rest I need to take from the bustling streets that I run through every minute of my busy life.

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The Inverse Relationship of Reason and Emotion

This is a response to the third question

Reasoning is quite a tricky way of knowing, as it is the use of logical thinking to be able to try to make sense out of the things we want to know about. When we try to use use reasoning to make sense out of something, we would normally want to relate it to something that we can find a definite answer for, which is probably why it was the most popular way of knowing for a group of students, including myself, for the sciences (both natural and social) and as well as morality. In the things like the arts and religion, it turned out to be not much of a popular choice, and even voted the least popular way of knowing for art. The difference then lies with how “reason” as a way of knowing was compared to the other ways of knowing attributed to the different areas of knowledge.

It’s interesting to note that how in the sciences, reason trumps the polls, no questions asked. Although, when we look at religion and morality, while reason gets a substantial amount of votes, another leading way of knowing is then emotion. Now here’s another interesting thing to note about the surveys – if we look at art, where reason is clearly not as chosen as the best way of knowing, emotion trumps the polls. Now, if we try to compare, that means that religion and morality somewhat forms the bridge between our value of reason and its inverse relationship with our value of emotion as a way of knowing.

If we then try to think about how we can use this data to make sense out of what is religous and moral reasoning, then we can see that it’s not something that we can’t compare to be exactly alike to the way we reason in the sciences or in art. By taking emotion into the equation of our reasoning, then things suddenly become clouded with the human flaw (while being a human boon). When we reason out somethings that are more concrete, we stop start taking into much greater importance cold hard facts, tangible data, or observable patterns. We lose the sense of our belief, that we begin to reason because that’s how reality presents itself. But as humans, we are much deeper than that. Our emotions deepen the way we observe things, and then this is when we start reasoning in the sense of religion and morality. Religous and moral reasoning seeks to find truth into the beliefs of our greater conciousness that mere science can’t explain. We aren’t just a clump of strange matter, but we’re more than that, and we believe in things, and our emotions deepen our relationship to this belief, which in turn changes the way we reason things out. Religous and moral reasoning doesn’t seek to answer questions that basic reality can answer, but we seek to find even greater things, the keys outside the light we’re in in, the keys in the dark. Although, we cannot misuse each way of reasoning, as if misused, then they lose their true purpose and power, and so I cannot say which is actually better than another. If we try to relate this back to the arts, then we can see that because of our deeper consciousness and ability to know with our emotions, then it doesn’t really puzzle why reason is a clear loser to emotion when we talk about the arts, as how some people would put it – the arts are just another language for people to convey their emotions, and we’re not meant to reason our emotions.

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Philosophy Towards the Areas of Knowledge

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CLE Survey

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An Examination of the IB Learner’s Profile

After one year of IBDP, the learner’s profile never seems to disappear from my life. It constantly haunts me during classes, and sometimes even making its way into my tests. After all those experiences with it, maybe it’s time to look back at the profile, examine it in its accuracy or approachability. Is it truly proper?

The profile of a knowledgeable learner is quite questionable to me. Being knowledgeable doesn’t really help in making you a good learner. When I hear ‘knoweledgeable,’ I imagine someone who knows a lot, but that doesn’t really prove anything in whether you’re a good learner or not, it just shows that you know a lot. So does it imply that someone who just memorizes all the facts become a better learner than someone who doesn’t?

In the contrary, the description for a knowledgeable learner doesn’t really match my perception of the word, so maybe we can change the way it’s named. From its discription, it sounds more like that a proper term for it would be ‘Intelligence.’

Another trait that I find questionable is caring. I mean, of course it’s good to raise a student to be caring and all, but I don’t think it’s proper to be part of a learner’s profile. Nonetheless, it should still be part of the overall person, but maybe it’s not fit to be part of the learner’s profile.

I’d like to add to the profile disciplined. It’s important that a learner sustains this value of self-discipline. It’s his or her drive and motivation to study on his own, and that they do so because they choose to. And to become caring can be part of a student’s trait of being disciplined.

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Filipino Vlog: Unit Test 3

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Ano Ba Ang Mali?

Di ko inaakala na ang buhay ay parang isang malaking pagsubok. Simple lamang eh, maaaring ganito ang gagawin ko o iba ang gagawin ko, at bahala na ang mundo kung anong mangyayari sa akin. Pero, di katulad ng pagsubok, wala naman totoong tama o mali sa paggawa ng desisyon. Nakakabaliw minsan isipin kung ano nga mangyayari kung iyong di ko ginawa ay ginawa ko maliban sa talang ginawa ko. Nakakabola ito ng aking isipan tuwing inaalala ko ang aking ginawa sa isang araw. Nakakapatay itong pagiisip sa aking antok tuwing matutulog na ako.

Kung ako’y tatanungin, sasabihin ko wala akong maling desisyong nagawa sa buhay ko. Hindi ko sinasabi na ako’y perpekto at lahat ng desisyon ko ay magagaling, ngunit sino ba ang masasabi na mali nga ang desisyong ginawa ko. Sa totoo lamang, sa aking palagay, wala ngang maling desisyon na ginagawa ang mga tao, kasi wala namang basehan kung ano ang isang tama o maling desisyon. Siguro pwede natin sabihin na ang isang desisyon ay mabuti o masama, ngunit wala naman itong implikasyon sa pagiging tama o mali ng isang desisyon.

Ang paggawa ng mga desisyon ay simple lamang isang parte ng buhay na hindi natin malalaktawan. Gaano man ito’y gusto natin ilagan, mahaharap tayo ng mga desisyon na magpapakita kung anong klaseng tao tayo at kung ano ang magagawa natin sa mundo. Hindi ito dapat iwasin kasi ito’y isang regalo sa ating buhay. Isipin niyo kung ano ang buhay na walang desisyon, iyon ay may kahulugan sa buhay ng isang laruan lamang na hindi makagalaw kung walang gagalaw sa kanya.

Kung ano man ang desisyon na ginawa ni Salome sa kanyang buhay pag-ibig, mabuti sa kanya na gumawa siya ng desisyon. Hindi naman dapat ikatakutan ang mga desisyon ginagawa ngunit ito’y dapat itanggap bilang parte talaga ng ating buhay. Di na dapat isipin kung ito’y tama o mali, ang importante ay masaya ka sa ginawa mong desisyon.

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Misunderstanding Guilt

I chose to write about the article In Praise of Guilt because I was fascinated with that specific emotion, guilt. If there was any emotion that I believe has ever changed me, my personality, what would be guilt. I found guilt to be such a very powerful emotion. What I even found more intriguing is that the article’s title suggests that it guilt is being praised, and frankly, that fumbled my curiosity. I would never have praised guilt, and so, I just really had to peek into what this guy had to say.

After reading it, I’ve come to realize that what he’s been saying actually totally makes sense. From my own experience, even though I’ve always hated that feeling of guilt, I have to admit, it changed me to become a better man.

Now who can say I’m apathetic if a person who can become guilty has to have its roots from empathy. The articles talks about guilt as an emotion that evokes us to become apologetic and understanding for one another. Now that I think about it, I’ve never realized that, but I do become more apologetic whenever I do feel guilty. In the end, having guilt actually helped me rebuilt relationships that were broken. Truly amusing what guilt can do.

While reading it, it started to make sense that he’s praising guilt. Though a horrible feeling, it actually brings out the best of people. It’s an emotion that actually exists for us to be able to construct and reconstruct relationships with others.

Guilt is indeed serves some very useful social function, as the article says. If I were to imagine a world without guilt, I can see a world where no man would care for another. No one would make mends for their mistakes to each other. War would be a normal phenomenon, and the world’s population would be close to none. Surely enough, because of guilt, humans don’t kill humans, and so our race survives.

"Cyanide and Happiness," the fun world where guilt does not seem to exist.

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